How to create a habit connected with your Health App?

A habit connected with the Health app is the one that will sync your data from Apple Health (if you’re using iOS devices) or Google Fit (if you’re using Android devices). You can track your habit effortlessly.

To create a habit synced with Health App:

Step 1. Tap on the "+" button in the date bar and choose "Create Good Habit"

Step 2. Choose a habit template with the "❤️" icon

Step 3. Set Goal & unit.

Then choose Sync with Apple Health (Google Fit on Android devices), and allow Habitify to access your health data

Step 4. Set the Start Date or since which date Habitify can get your Health data, for example since "February 1, 2022" or since "Today".

You also can set Repeat, Time of Day, & Reminders for your habit.

Step 5. Finally, click "Save" habit and add it to your Journal.